31 January 2012

Romantic Paintings Stuart Kirby Take 2

The Ayr Art Circle exhibition at the local Maclaurin Galleries opens on the 19th February...To enter art for this one has to have ones artwork critiqued by fellow members...

Originally as stated in my previous post the painting " A Moment In Love " was going to be exhibited in Edinburgh but I changed my mind after painting 3 more seascapes which will be shown here soon...

Anyway a couple of fellow members from the art circle commented about the distant islands looking like sharks teeth amongst other things so I pondered a while and reworked that section of the painting bringing the island forward by heavier application of the paint and changing the shape...

One member commented they loved the sky but we shall see if there is any response from the viewers at the upcoming exhibition...

Is it an improvement on the original?...Only you can decide...

Details of the exhibition will be posted soon...click here to see more of my seascapes...

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