10 November 2012

Turnberry Golf Painting Finished

12th hole "Monument" Ailsa Course Turnberry Scotland
A change of plan on the Turnberry Golf painting regarding the finish...

I pondered and decided to give it the painterly  brush mark treatment resulting in blocks of colour instead of a smoother appearance...

This gives it a 3 dimension appearance from a distance then as you move closer the painterly brushstrokes show more predominately...

Drying time now then a light application of varnish...

Have a good weekend everyone... :-)

This painting and others are available here


Natalie said...

Thank you for sharing! It is great seeing the stages of the process of creating the artwork before it is finished.

Stuart Kirby said...

Thanks for your interest and comment Natalie...we arty people all have different ways of painting...all right of course...glad it was helpful...